Tuxedomoon are all about texture, humor, existentialism and invention. While slicker than their debut Half-Mute, Desire delves even more deeply into texture and sheer coolness. There are few songs in the annals of modern music to rival the coolness of "In The Name of Talent" or "Desire", nevermind the mind-melting hilarity of "Holiday For Plywood". For anybody with a penchant for the unusual and brilliant, there is nothing like Desire anywhere, and I don't hesitate to recommend it to the musically adventurous. Stands up more than twenty five years after its release, and it always will.
1 East/Jinx/.../Music #1 2 Victims of the Dance 3 Incubus (Blue Suit) 4 Desire 5 Again
6 In the Name of Talent (Italian Western Two) 7 Holiday for Plywood
8 New Machine 9 Litebulb Overkill 10 Nite and Day (Hommage à Cole Porter) 11 No Tears
Coooool....:) Flying Lizards AND Tuxedomoon - what a fantastic double feature. Both records are sleeping in my parents' basement and I've often wished I could listen to them, again, since I moved to South-East Asia ten years ago.
So, thanks a lot for bringing them back on mp3!
hm... have to listen to desire from tuxedomoon a great band from the time i spread my my music listening.....
have you heard the 'holy wars' album? love it
the dwarf
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