Let's get started: He's serving up this VERY Rare dish --
Limited to 1,000 copies, A Spectrum of Finite Scale tour only CD was self-released by sci-fi surf rock aliens Man or Astro-Man? and made available for sale only at stops on the band's 2001 tour in support of A Spectrum of Infinite Scale. Checking in with 13 tracks (closer to 14, if you count the hidden track, though its actual number is 32), Finite avoids the trap of being a throwaway EP. Instead, it is a highly experimental collection of tracks "done by members of the Astro Staff Live Division, in isolation or in pairs." In non-Astro-speak, what this means is it's a record of songs written and performed by individual bandmembers and tour staff. For those keeping score of the Astro-men's ever-evolving lineup, the members included on this record include mainstays Coco the Electronic Monkey Wizard and Birdstuff (each with two solo tracks and two collaborations with one another, as well as a Birdstuff effort with Blazar), and solo efforts from Trace Reading, Blazar, Q-Beam (the band's lighting and merch guy), and the Brannock Device (Man or Astro-Man?'s live audio tech). Since the record is comprised of songs recorded solo or in pairs, they often lack the full force of typical Man or Astro-Man? songs. Songs tend to meander a bit, giving them, to varying degrees, the feel of being tripped-out slow-dub house music or echoing, spinning, fuzzy-screen dream sequences from vintage sci-fi flicks. Reverb-drenched guitars are essentially absent for the majority of the disc, leaving the music to be composed (presumably on computers) of various sound effects, always-interesting film samples, assorted keyboards, and other gizmos. The results, while well-done and interesting, are missing the propulsive surf rock thread that normally leads the listener through the labyrinthine layers of mysterious noises. In fact, the most stereotypically Man or Astro-Man?-sounding track is "Analysis Paralysis," contributed by the band's live audio tech, the Brannock Device. Far more experimental than any of Man Or AstroMan?'s proper releases, A Spectrum of Finite Scale should serve to reinforce the band's standing as not merely a surf rock revival act, but true innovators. All music
1 After All the Prosaic Waiting...the Sun Finally Crashes into the Earth 2 The Limitations of a Serial Machine 3 MO2 4 Halfway to the Infinite 5 Space Helmet 6 All the Quietest Whispers 7 Mt-52 Tone/Magnus Opus 8 Tolerance in a Transitory Universe 9 Analysis Paralysis 10 Man or Man-Machine? 11 The Potential Energy of Roger Stone 12 Mortimer Butomite's Pocket of Capacitors 13 Fig. A: Dispersion in Full Spectrum Pattern 14 hidden bonus
These are compressed using a different format, Winrar opens it fine. Let me know and alternatives will be provided.
OMG!! thanks a lot!!!!! thanks for putting stuff from Man or Astroman!! can you post more from them?? it's very very difficult to get complete albums from this great band! I WANT MORE!! THANKS AGAIN!
How about some hard to find b-sides and vinyl only songs. I have a collection or two , I should say of just that, give me a few. check back in a few days.
HI! it's me again, I can't open the file, I use mac and only can open extensions .zip, .sit, .rar, please can you help me with this?
It would be great to have some b-sides make only for vinyls! thanks!
Alanzoids, I would suggest downloading 7zip it's free and real easy. I believe it's the best extractor out there , Well this is my opinion and it works for this so you can't wrong.
thanks, I've found the 7zip program for mac!, just great, I will download the file again and will let you know if it works, thanks for the info Brandonio!
oh yes!! It worked real fine!!! thanks again brandonio!! now goin to enjoy man or astroman! hehe, and don't forget to post more of them, can you post destroy all astromen, project infinity, or just any of their many albums, really appreciate!
That's incredible!!! Thanks a lot, I finally got this cd... I love MoAm and have more than 30 works of them, including albums, eps, singles, etc. This one is very very rare, i search e-bay, amazon, emule, but just can't find, and now I have it. THANK YOU!!!
Can you repost this at one of the links? None of them work right now. As an avid fan of Man or Astroman (along with my pop who turned me onto them), I'd love to suprise him with this disc that he doesn't even know about.
You are a god-send. I bought this at the MOAM? 2001 tour in Seattle. Was blown away by it, brought it to the studio where my band at the time was recording as an example of dynamic sound recording, and then it disappeard. I've been searching the interwebs for this since then. I still have the case and card so now I just have to put the Tiger back in the Tank as it were. Thank you!!!
Hrm, perhaps I spoke too soon. This link takes me to a place called Sharebee.com with no discernible down loadable file, and it's also pop-up crazy. Any suggestions or alternate links to a direct file?
Seems all the file that were linked were removed. bummer.
Is there any chance you can reupload this? I've been looking for it for months, and I don't have $200 to get it off ebay.
Thanks either way.
Would you please, please, please consider re uploading this? I've been dying to hear it since I attempted to purchase it a show at which they were "sold out." I'd most sincerely appreciate it.
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