02. The Shut Downs - Straight Away 01:40
03. Jeujene & The Jaybops - Thunderin' Guitar 02:0804. Frankie Gem - Crystal Rock 02:2305. The Pilt Down Five - The Tick 02:4606. Johnny Skiles & Bob Hill - Lasseon 0 2:0907. Jeujene & The Jaybops - Arroongah 01:5608. Dominic & The Dominos - Dominic's Inferno 01:43
09. Stan Vincent & The Dwains - The Snark 01:59 10. The Orbit Rockers - Rock It 01:5711. Kenny & The Night Riders - Swamp Rat 02:2412. The Premiers - Frantic 02:4513. Renegades V - Love And Fury 03:0514. Mic's Masters - Sandstorm 02:46
15. Gary Vallet & The Vallets - Guitar Bass Boogie 02:2616. The Onbeats - Catastrophe 02:1017. The Vectors - Downhill 02:1418. The Rockin' R's - The Beat 02:5119. The Swanks - Ghost Train 02:0620. The Pearlescents - Ronnie's Night House 01:5121. The Silver-Tones - High Hat Rock 02:0122. Highminded - The New 'E' 03:1723. Bill Friel - Fort Lauderdale, U.S.A. 02:0324. Carl Newman - Tom-Tom 01:3525. The Continental Four - Scramble 02:2826. The Gamblers - Moon Dawg! 02:1627. The Chancellor's - Jam 01:4528. The Rockin' R's - Mustang 01:53
29. The Dissonaires - Blitzkrieg 02:1030. The Nightcaps - Nightcap Rock 02:29
1 comment:
Diggin' the strummin', strictly speaking. ;O
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