Saturday, February 13, 2010

Srtictly Instrumental V.1

Great set of comps. Haven't seen them up in a while. Mojo Repair Shop posted a few and, of course, that got me thinking. These are too good to go stale and so for Valentine's post - here's the first one in smokin' 320. I have all but #11 - so if you like.em, let me know and they'll be a regular fixture for awhile. If anyone out there has 11 in 320 or better - please pass it along - you will have my undying gratitude.

01. The Big Four - Outa Tune 01:59 02. The Ree-Gents - Downshiftin' 02:08 03. The Twisters - Bandstand Rocket 01:23 04. Ronnie Cells Continentals - Chicken 02:05 05. The Reekers - Don't Call Me Flyface 02:24 06. Harold & Bob - Spitfire 01:41 07. Howie & The Crystals - Rockin' Hall 02:17 08. The Sting Rays - Fast Track 01:39 09. The Teen Rockers - Road Block 02:06 10. Jerry & The Silvertones - Ce'ny 01:49 11. The Royal Jokers - Vibrations 02:32 12. Rex Qual - Tranquilizer Boogie 02:12 13. Billy Adkinson - Rock-A-Mo Part 1 02:36 14. The Rel Yea's - Round Rock Boogie 02:10 15. Scott Wood - Chicken Rock 01:52 16. Herb Kliebe's Nervous Kats - Devil's Run 01:58 17. Electro-Tones - Ghost Train 02:18 18. Volk Brothers - Ducks Flying Backwards 02:35 19. Nick Riehle's Lil Dynamite - Dancin' Little Thing 02:36 20. The Rhythm Rockers - Torpedo 02:00 21. The Rockaways - Rampage 01:46 22. The Rocktones - High Time 02:02 23. The Teen Rockers - Teen Rock 01:57 24. The Journeymen - Workout 02:09 25. The Off Beats - Talking Crikets 02:32 26. The Night Trains - Scramble 02:02 27. The Sensations - Wild Cat 02:15 28. The Royal Jokers - Beatnik 02:32 29. The Continental Cousins - The Robot 02:44 30. The Big Four - All Keyed Up 02:04



Anonymous said...

Keep them coming! A great series!

Brandonio! said...

I have six in this series,and highly recommend all of these.By all means keep these coming as i don't have all of these.I remember I used to by these at Borders when that store actually carried good music.

Skip said...

to quote sisters of mercy: "More"

ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ said...

I have V2 @ 192. Plus Harry James version of "Strictly Instrumental" Kai Winding said so very eloquently "More"!

@Brandonio...Ain't that the truth. Where does one go if they actually wanted to buy music. Ha ha! Online seems to be the only real choice since Tower went under.

DaBoss said...

Agreed all. I was at Tower so much during their prime days that the management jokingly offered me a job every time I came in. Unless you live in a big metro area like L.A. or New York, Chitown, maybe London - getting unique music is difficult - unless you go online. Which is what I do 100% of the time now. Like Brandonio, Borders was my go to place after Tower folded.

Dan_invader said...

Hope you come with complete collection: Many thanks from Spain!!


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