Friday, May 1, 2009

Surf Report - Lavarocksreverb and BONUS

Wow! Surf Report has passed into a new phase of intense powerfully driven eat-sand grinder surf. Given the 4 track cassette multi-tracking, this is an amazingly solid document. Their music has evolved (or devolved?) into a post metal mayhem of Uli Roth and Black Sabbath surf with Agent Orange underpinnings. It's a brutal combination, with no remnants of their trad surf roots remaining in this release. If you're looking for trad surf, you'll be disappointed. On the other hand, if you're willing to take a death metal ride on huge outsiders, this will knock your baggies off. Phil Dirt gives it 4 stars. What Phil does not talk about are the hidden bonus tracks – 2 FULL live performances of the group in ’98.

Here at FCCL we give you the best – so they were extracted and here they are. I don’t know the track names – sorry – and I don’t think you all will care especially, since you are getting almost 2 ½ hours of killer surf and twang – even if the bonus stuff is at a low bit rate. Good is good no matter what – so enjoy.

LavaRock Reverb - trax 320

Pencil Fight, Exotic, Catalina, A-Salam-Aliekum, Heptane, Crush The Infidel, Chain Smoker, Knuckle Sandwich, Hazel, Fishtail, Disposable Heroes / Frostbite


Bonus - Live at Belly Up 98


Bonus - Live at Tiki House 98



marino said...

Nesta semana, a quantidade e qualidade das postagens de instro surf estão excelentes.

Marino - Brasil

ulesinh said...

Hi! I'm big fan of your blog and the Surf Report, I bought all their albums, so I'd like to come back to us to share live albums because the links are broken. Thank you very much. Robert from Mexico.

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